Thursday, February 3, 2011

Grouping Concepts

In this activity, we were told to make 7 slides, with 10 shapes on each slide. The shapes could be different for each slide but within the slide they needed to be the same. The activity was to use shape,color, background, and spacing techniques to show 7 emotions.

This slide represents unity. I chose the circle shape and combined all 10 of them to look like 1 barrel. Then, I used the United States colors in sequential order to stand for unity. I think the combination of the colors and the shape signify unity.

This image represents celebration. I had a hard time coming up with a slide for this word using the shapes provided but I decided to go with the sun shape and use bright colors in the background to show happiness, or celebration. This pattern reminds me of a poster or tablecloth that would be at a child's birthday which is a celbration. I stand behind this slide but I also believe this was my least clear portrayal of emotion.

For the isolation slide, I chose the same circles i used in "unity" but made the isolated circle black which stands for desparity and the other 9 circles a green pastel. I didn't choose that color for a particular reason other than a complete oppisite emotion of black. I then chose a gradient background that reminded me of static and "nothingness" to try and emulate how the black circle would feel if it had emotions.

For the "escape" slide, I used 10 arrow shapes pointed in an upward direction. I chose a bubble background that reminded me of the water or ocean and then placed the shapes to look like they were reaching the top of the water or escaping from the water. This concept was the easiest for me to think of and clearly shows what is happening.

This slide is my favorite emotion that I portrayed because I think it is the most clearly conveyed emotion I did. It is lightening shapes combined to look like a giant lightening bolt going down to earth. It reminded me of Zeus casting down his lightening on earth when he was angry or trying to show his power to those who disobeyed him. I chose a black background to emphasize the lightening bolts.

This slide was another challenge for me to make. I had to look up what anarchy meant and even after learning the meaning I found it hard to illustrate the emotion. After trying a few different things, I chose to have 10  "X's" sprawled out randomly on the slide, each a different color to try and convey anti-unity and confusion. I then chose a background that looked like fire because whenever I see protests or "anarchy" in videos of other countries there is usually a fire set by someone.

For this last slide, I chose to take 10 cloud shapes and make my attempt at a brain. I  made one cloud shape big and then fit the other 9 cloud shapes within the large one to try and make texture. Then i used the scribble tool and tried to make the different portions of the brain and make the cloud shapes a "brainy" color. I wasn't sure if other people would think it was a  brain but I asked to classmates what they thought it was and they told me it looked like one so I went ahead with it. The brain represents thinking and logic so I think it is a clear representation of logic.

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