Monday, April 18, 2011

CAP Clairty, Audience, Purpose

For each of the images I made in this exercise, they are all literal, stylistic, and thematic messages that are clearly and efficiently presented. Each word had a different message and used different fonts, shapes and sizes. Overall, they are all working toward the same goal of effectively conveying the message of the word within the word itself. After overlooking each image, I do not believe that any misinterpretation is possible for the piece's image except for the word "brick" because I put an image of a house in place of the "i" and someone could possibly mistake it for trying to convey "brick house". I do not think there is one or more messages fighting for attention because the roof has a separation that creates the dot on the letter "i" but it could maybe be proportioned smaller in the width to create more of a "i" letter. Also, the word Lightly could be interpreted as a message of a underweight object, as an object that is gentle, or as an object that produces light. I clearly put a light in the "i" along with the typical color yellow for light to make sure there is no confusion. Overall, each image has one message and they all can be easily interpreted. 

The target viewer for this piece is my peers in class and my professor. The visual tastes of this demographic segment is crisp, clear images with simple messages. Do be sure of my conclusions I asked a friend in class to review my images and she agreed with my messages and understood them. Colors most preferred by my peers are usually calming shades of blue and green that do not overstimulate the eye and the lingo they will best respond to will probably be the same as my lingo because we are all around the same age and are studying at a university, so higher level vocabulary. The concepts will in no way "fly over their head" because they are simple words that are used by school children. The products can provide imagination to those who view the messages and possibly create new associations when writing the words used. I personally have never seen any of the images I made before so I am assuming that my design will stand apart from what my audience has already seen before. If each design were a person the XXL would be a really large person that was overweight and probably have facial hair, the Pillow would have clothes made out of feathers and walk barefoot, the Atom would be a very smart skinny person with glasses and a lab coat on, the Brick would be a strong person with dry, tan skin, the Lightly would be an explorer that always carries a flashlight, and the Shred would be a skater with torn up clothes and shoes. The audience would probably think of most of the people as typical stereotypes depicted in movies and amongst social groups.

The purpose of each design is supposed to convey a message of the meaning of the word or what comes to your mind when you look at the word and express it by using the word itself and incorporating the message within the text. It is not meant to sell a product but the images could be used in an advertisement setting for a product like a pillow or a brick company. The purpose is meant to persuade the viewer that the image represents the word and this can be interpreted differently by others. There is no client or art director in this exercise but I have shown my professor several of the images along with a classmate. Each image has been simplified to show the sole purpose of the piece and narrowed to show the meaning of the messages.  

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